
How to Read the Bible Like the Pros

The Edict of Benedict:

The New Spiritual Springtime

Pope Benedict XVI predicted that the spread of lectio divina would lead to “a new spiritual springtime” in the Church. He and his Italian counterpart Cardinal Martini, S.J., among others, laid out detailed guidelines for this.

These pros can help us read, pray, and interpret the Bible like the pros by assimilating both traditional and cutting-edge principles and practices. We will highlight their teachings while keeping in mind that persons who emulate Mary and Joseph in receiving the Word obediently especially constitute biblical pros. The more we read like the pros, the more we realize that we are truly amateurs wholly dependent on grace and fraternity.

Each dimension of biblical spirituality and ministry - reading, praying, and interpreting - has its own nuances and challenges that these pros can help us with. To do and be our best we can learn from and with the best and give the best of ourselves to God and others.

Can someone without theological training really learn to read the Bible like the pros? By learning from / with the latter, yes, because the Bible was compiled and composed not for academics or the professional religious, but for all believers. The pros, including common folks who have been reading and living the Bible for many years, ultimately rely on simple, straightforward principles and practices organic to the Bible. Let’s rediscover these together.

Our ultimate guide is the Spirit, who speaks through our hearts, providence, and the Church.